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Website Design and Development

Apex Forensic Services

Apex Forensic Services

Client Needs

Website Development

Developed Using


wp-bakery logo


wordpress logo

Case Study

Client Overview

Apex Forensic Services is a leading provider of forensic accounting investigations and expert opinions in commercial disputes. With extensive experience in the field, Apex Forensic Services offers consulting support to help clients navigate complex financial matters with confidence and clarity.


Apex Forensic Services approached us with the goal of creating a new website that would effectively showcase their expertise and services. They needed a website that would not only attract potential clients but also provide them with valuable information about forensic accounting investigations and the consulting support they offer. Additionally, they wanted the website to reflect their professionalism and commitment to providing accurate and reliable expert opinions.


We began by conducting a thorough analysis of Apex Forensic Services' brand identity, target audience, and competitors. Based on this analysis, we chose to use WordPress as the backend and the WPBakery Page Builder to develop the website. While we started with a pre-built theme, we customized it extensively to create a completely different design that aligned with Apex Forensic Services' brand identity and messaging.

The customized design featured a clean and professional layout, with clear navigation and prominent calls-to-action to encourage users to contact Apex Forensic Services for more information.


The new website has been a success for Apex Forensic Services, helping them attract new clients and showcase their expertise in forensic accounting investigations and expert opinions. The professional design and user-friendly interface have made it easier for potential clients to learn about Apex Forensic Services' services and contact them for more information.

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